Yoga is an activity where campers practice physical movements and breathing exercises to increase flexibility, tone, and relaxation. Our studio is the entirety of Mt Solidtude, our greatest gift with many beautiful outdoor areas. With colorful mats spread across the forest floor, sometimes with a fire gently burning, we hold our classes.
Yoga for Youth
Did she just say Adho Mukha Svanasana?! Don’t worry, our instructors will give you all the guidance you need to try the “Downward Facing Dog” pose.
Let’s try Vrikshasana, the “Tree” pose. Slowly and carefully, you’ll be able to balance on one foot with arms stretched high.
Now rest with the Balasana, “Child’s” pose. Calm and tension-free.
Practiced Flexibility
The careful movements and poses of yoga lead to greater joint and muscle flexibility.
Whether sitting, standing or lying down, each position focuses your attention on different muscles in your body.
As different muscle groups gently warm and stretch, yoga improves coordination and strength.
And Breathe!
It feels great to spend a few minutes centering through the use of breathwork! Come away from the activity feeling relaxed and with a big smile. Carry that calm, good feeling through the whole day. At camp, we build self-awareness around the connection to breath and our varying emotional states. We utilize breathwork to practice deep calming breaths in new situations, or more structured breathwork while campers learn to gain control over their minds and bodies in ways they never imagined, like during our cold water immersion experiences.
After just a few minutes of doing our mindfulness program, together with your friends, you’ll feel healthier and more at ease.
Wellness at Camp W is fun!